In 2012, Sorbonne Universités obtained "Initiative d’excellence" (Idex) funding for the "Sorbonne Universités à Paris pour l’Enseignement et la Recherche" (SUPER) project involving training, research, student life and international relations.

The SUPER Idex will benefit from an allocation of 30.7 million euros during the 4-year probationary period (2012-2016). At the end of this probationary period, the initial capital (€900 million) can be transferred to it.

The Idex allows resources to be mobilised (excluding Labex) on a few strategic and structuring actions contributing to the realisation of the PRES project, this in 4 main sectors:

  • Implementing a coordinated research strategy at the PRES level by strengthening research at the borders, promoting research at the interfaces, developing common platforms and resources.
  • Proposing an ambitious university education programme, innovative in its methods, giving students the critical and intellectual tools that will enable them to orient themselves and the practical know-how to make the most of it, socially open and at the level of the best international standards, by pooling educational resources and strengthening lifelong learning.
  • Creating a university community favouring the integration of students beyond the disciplinary dimension of their courses, developing student living spaces, improving their study and living conditions, particularly in the field of health, housing and employment, supporting their civic engagement.
  • Developing some strategic international partnerships involving economic and cultural partners, integrating the European dimension into the programmes, strengthening and pooling the reception services for foreign students and researchers (international reception centre with French as a foreign language courses and social areas), preparing Sorbonne Universities students for international mobility

Working groups made up of "reference points" from each of the PRES institutions have been set up to implement these actions.