Foundation for Research on Biodiversity

The Foundation for Research on Biodiversity is a platform between the various scientific actors and the actors of society on biodiversity.

The Foundation for Research on Biodiversity was created in 2008, following the Grenelle Environment Forum, with the support of the Ministries of Research and Ecology and eight public research establishments (BRGM, CIRAD, CNRS, Ifremer, INRA, IRD, IRSTEA, MNHN), joined in 2014 by LVMH.

Stimulating innovation, promoting scientific projects linked to society and developing studies, syntheses and expertise are all actions at the heart of its system. To date, more than 160 organisations, associations, companies, managers and local authorities have joined the FRB with one goal: to work together to meet the scientific challenges of biodiversity.

4 orientations to promote research and create a science-society interface:

  • Strengthen dialogue and mobilise biodiversity stakeholders
  • Promote synthesis and prospective activities
  • Support an interdisciplinary and multi-actor approach to research
  • Disseminate knowledge and promote French research

To find out more about the Foundation for Research on Biodiversity visit: