
Support our researchers by getting involved in the science participation programme, making a donation or bequest, or taking action for the planet - there’s no shortage of ways for you to make your contribution. Over to you!

Join us and get involved

Do you want to do something for the planet? The Museum opens the way for you to join in with its commitment. Explore our citizen...

Mésange bleue posée sur la branche d'un arbre en fleurs

If you enjoy birdwatching, make good use of your enthusiasm to help naturalists understand how bird populations are changing...

Support us

Mammouth de Durfort

As an individual, you can help the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle to carry out its core tasks by making a donation. You can...

Making a bequest to the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle gives you the opportunity to place your generosity at the heart of...

Cerisier du Japon en fleur devant un batiment du Muséum

The Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle has been studying nature and its relations with the human species for nearly four...

Adopt the right ecological gestures

Any questions about your garden or the study of certain species? Our scientists and specialists will answer them! Follow the...

Fleurs sauvages au jardin écologique - Jardin des Plantes

Is gardening one of your favourite hobbies? Would you like to start gardening? How can you enjoy this pastime in harmony with...

During your holidays, do you like to travel and discover new horizons? In France and abroad, there are a number of precautions you...