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The website is the fruit of a collaboration by all staff at the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle.
Contracting authority: Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle
Project management
- Agnès Parent, Public relations manager
- Étienne Jolivet, Digital Content Service manager
- Estelle Merceron
- Eva Venancio Francis
- Nicolas Cellier
- Céline Debruijne
Design and production
Website developmentArtistic managerEditorial
- Service des contenus numériques (Direction des publics)
- Atelier du mot
- Newt Production
We would like to thank all the staff at the Muséum for their participation in the project:
- Communications Department
- Deputy General Manager for Resources (DGD R)
- Deputy General Manager for Research, Expertise, Valorisation and Teaching-Training (DGD REVE)
- Deputy General Manager for Collections
- Deputy General Manager for Museums and Botanical and Zoological Gardens (DGD MJZ)
- Manager for International and European relations
And to the scientific departments:
- Adaptations du vivant department
- Homme & Environnement department
- Origines & Évolution department